Second Baptist Church of Rock Hill

Come join us as we rebuild for Jesus!

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Janie Chapman Offering

The church collected an offering of $1,800 for the Janie Chapman offering for missions!

Church Improvements

God has provided in an amazing way for Second Baptist.  We installed a new cross on top of the building to replace the steeple that was in severe disrepair. 

Now, we have a brand new lift to transport handicap individuals from the first floor to the sanctuary level.  The project cost just over $45,000.  The Canon Mills Foundation provided ALL of the funding as a grant to the church.  We are so thankful for their kindness and generosity.  It is a beautiful lift!!!

Mission Project for Hunger Outreach Programs

Our weekly Mission Project for the Homeless/Hungry continues. Currently, we support the Pilgrim's Inn of Rock Hill.  Please bring non-perishable food, clothing, housewares, and other items to the church.  Do not leave them outside.  Please contact the church before delivery at other times that a regular service..


Two links were added to the website, one for contemporary Christian music and one for Southern Gospel music. These links were added so that anyone without a radio or not able to pick up a station on their radio, can listen to Christian music via their computer. These two links, when clicked on, provide access to Christian music radio stations which are opened in a separate tab from that of the churches website. Once the station is clicked on, you can then close the churches website if you wish and continue working on your computer while listening to Christian music.

The two radio stations, the websites of these two radio stations, and the site that provides the links to these two stations as well as many other radio stations, are in no way affiliated with our church, Second Baptist Church of Rock Hill, SC. These two links are solely provided as a convenience for our church members or anyone visiting our website.

The Courier

Our State Baptist paper, The Courier, is published in Greenville, SC monthly. The Courier is available to us as Second Baptist Church members. Please notify the church office to subscribe to The Courier. It is informing and inspiring us as South Carolina Baptists.

Music Director Needed

Our church is currently without a music director and so Pastor Mark is covering those duties as well. Anyone wanting to fill the slot as a music director or know of anyone interested in joining a church and leading our congregation in new and/or old Gospel Music please contact Pastor Mark. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.  

Palmetto Pregnancy Center

The vision of the Palmetto Pregnancy Center is "to enable women and families to choose life and have hope in Christ for the future". They do this by supporting not only the mothers who come to the center but also by reaching the fathers so that he will support the mother. If you are able to donate, they are in need of x-large baby gift bags, children's books, baby lotion, powder, wipes, onesies, sleepers, crocheted/knitted blankets, booties and caps. You may bring these items to the church and we will deliver them to the Rock Hill center.